
Saturday, November 16, 2013

I am sure you know that no other school in Flagstaff provides the unique learning opportunities that every child, including yours, receives at DeMiguel Elementary. How? Because of the Tax Credit contributions people like you make to our school each year.

Any Arizona tax-payer may make a Tax Credit contribution to DeMiguel School.

If you haven't already done so, we hope you are planning to make your annual Tax Credit contribution to DeMiguel School before December 31st, 2013. The Arizona Public School Tax Credit program provides great advantages both to you and to our school.

Your Tax Credit contributions are used for a variety of things, including field-trips, Chess Club, Odyssey of the Mind, Lego Robotics, and enrichment assemblies.

Each dime of your contribution has been spent to broaden and enrich the educational learning experiences of every student at DeMiguel. Every kid at DeMiguel has received benefit from these contributions, and they will continue to, year after year, provided we are to be able to raise these funds in order to sustain our programs .

Arizona's Tax Credit program works to the advantage of most tax-payers. Whether you're a single parent, a married family filing jointly, or a more mature couple with grown children, Arizona's Tax Credit program enables you to give part of your annual state taxes directly to DeMiguel School, rather than to the state Department Of Revenue.


Thank you for your support of our GREAT School!